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MN Third District

National Convention of 3rd District in New Orleans

We've gathered a few more pictures from New Orleans to share. Feel free to send your pictures for our website and social media to

Third District Officers in New Orleans
3rd District at the WWII Museum In New Orleans

Delegates dressed up at the MN American Legion Convention
Some of our MN delegation at the convention. 3rd Dist. Pres. was one of 2 pages for our department, shown here with her red Page sash in the middle.

National Convention
Left to right: Incoming Aux Pres. Tammy Thayer, outgoing 3rd District Commander Rod Reifsteck, Kelly Kauss on the Dist Executive Committee and voting Delegate, Mike Kauss the District Historian, Wendy Arend on the Dist Executive Committee and voting delegate, and Dave Arend the 3rd Dist SAL Commander.

Boat Cruise in New Orleans

River Boat
From the 3rd District River Boat Cruise in New Orleans

Kelly Kauss giving a speech
Kelly Kauss giving a report to the Mn delegation about the caucus she attended.

Sheri Hernandez
Sheri Hernandez was married in New Orleans.

Mardi Gras Dinner with the Third District Auxiliary MN
Third District at the Auxiliary Mardi Gras Dinner posed with the Dept leadership.

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